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Being a solo traveller on a business trip can be an exciting, yet daunting, prostpect. While discovering new countries and cultures is fascinating, it’s important to maintain a healthy work-life balance for your well-being and productivity. In this blog post, we recommend 5 must-know tips to help you make the most of your role as a solo traveler when moving to a new destination.

1. Establish Clear Boundaries

Establishing boundaries between your personal and professional lives is crucial to maintaining balance; set out clear working hours and try your best to adhere to them. This will give you time for personal interests, relaxation, and self-care, and will encourage you to resist the need to work nonstop. There are many activities to do in a new city, from walking to the nearest park to joining in for quizz night at the local pub, so make sure you take some time to explore the area and do the things you want in your free time!

2. Assign Your Workstation

Having a dedicated workstation is essential for productivity and mental focus. Set up a space in the apartment where you may work comfortably and make sure it has all of the tools and resources it needs to be efficient. This separation of your workspace from the rest of your living environment aids in creating a clear boundary between work and relaxation. If you’re staying in a Roomspace apartment, get in touch with our team to request a working desk for your stay!

4. Use Technology to Communicate With Your Team

Use technology to your advantage to increase flexibility in your work schedule. You can use communication tools like Teams, Asana and Dropbox to efficiently communicate with colleagues and keep organised. We also recommend choosing remote working options whenever possible, which allow you to enjoy the benefits of a flexible work schedule as well as the freedom to explore your surroundings during non-working hours.

5. Embrace the Local Culture

Make the most of your relocation by immersing yourself in the local culture. Take your free time to interact with the locals, learn about their traditions, and explore the city’s opportunities. You can also seek out networking opportunities, attend community events, or join local interest groups to increase your personal and professional circle! Balancing job-related responsibilities with cultural exposure will improve your entire experience and lead to a more rewarding journey.

6. Find Other Travellers In Your Area

Having a support network is essential when working on long-term business projects. Through networking events, online communities or coworking spaces, you can meet other business travellers, expatriates, or local professionals. By sharing experiences, assignment challenges and ideas with like-minded people, you can find essential support and help battle feelings of loneliness when relocating to a new place. And the best part is that these relationships have the potential to lead to new friendships and business prospects in the future!

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Traveling alone for work can be scary, but there are ways to overcome the challenges and enjoy the benefits of being in a new city! Remember to take care of yourself and find a good balance between work and life. If you’re a solo traveler on a business trip and want to make the most of your experience, contact our team  and we’ll be happy to help you find the ideal serviced apartment for your next trip.

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